Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Vegetarian Adventure

Today, I declared vegetarianism.

Now I'm not one of those crazy animal rights activists. Honestly, it's on my bucket list (which I plan to past at some point). I am one of those people that is all about experiences, so I simply just want to see what it is like to be a vegetarian. It's almost like a different culture. What kind of struggles do these people go through? Are they ever tempted to eat meat? What kinds of different opinions do people have about vegetarianism? These are all questions, plus many many more, that I hope to answer through this experience. I don't know how long it will last; I might hate it, or I might really like it and stay with it forever. I'm not sure. As for now, let's see if I actually have the integrity to follow through.

I don't like meat that much anyway. I will occasionally eat some chicken and MAYBE some shrimp. I don't like hamburgers, or hotdogs, or sausage, or seafood, or processed meats, or meatballs, or meat in my spaghetti, or meat in rotel dip, or ect. So going vegetarian won't be a hard transition for me at all, although I will miss some spicy chicken sandwiches from chic-fil-a (yum).

I did some research on vegetarianism, and it was quite interesting how every website I came to had pictures of baby chickens and piglets plastered all over it, with whiny headlines about brutal treatment and slaughtering of animals while they are helpless and alone. Well that's nice and everything, but, I mean, I just wanted some actual health information for vegetarians. We have dominion over them bad boys, animals' rights aren't exactly at the top of my list of things to worry about.

All this research was making me think twice about my spontaneous vegetarian decision. I'm not crazy about animals' rights, so will the vegetarian community not accept me? Will I have to become a poser and march the best of them for the little piglets? What if other vegetarians think I'm just a wannabe? Should I be an animal rights activist to get the full experience of being a vegetarian? What about meat lovers? Will they shun me from their meat crazed world? Are people going to be mean to me?
Questions, questions.

Well here's to day one of my journey into the vegetarian world.
Eat more veggies.
